Cards (3)

    • limitation- central executive
      • not presicely defined
      • For example, the term ‘process’ is vague, and the central executive may be made up of several sub-components or even be part of a larger component itself in working memory. 
      • This lack of a comprehensive explanation for each component of WMM draws doubts about the accuracy of its depiction of working memory- also tells little on LTM, not comprehensive
    • strength- studies of dual task performances
      • Baddeley et al got ppts to visual and verbal tasks at same time and found performance was similar when done separately however when both tasks were visual or both tasks were verbal-performance declined.
      • This is because both tasks competing for the same subsystem so when different didn’t have to compete
    • strength- case study of KF
      • shallice and warrington
      • performed well on with STM when read to himself(visual) but not when read aloud(auditory)