schaffer + emerson

Cards (7)

  • method
    glasgow - 60 babies - 31 male, 29 female.
    mothers asked about how babies react when separated.
    observations and interviews.
    measured infants attachments and response to unfamiliar adults.
  • stages
    1. asocial - 0-8 weeks. same towards human and objects.
    2. indiscriminate - 2-7 months - more social. attach to anything.
    3. specific - 7-12 months. one attachment = mother
    4. multiple - 12-24 months. family.
  • good external val

    in homes. natural setting. high eco val = reliable
  • ethnocentric
    glasgow. cultural differences in parenting.
  • small sample
    60 - lacks generalisability
  • longitudinal
    2 years. drop out
  • ethics
    psych harm when separated - stress. not replicable