Cards (6)

  • Content Analysis
    A method used to analyse qualitative data by turning it into quantitative data
  • How to Conduct a Content Analysis
    1. Choose research question
    2. Select sample of pre-existing qualitative research
    3. Decide on coding of categories/coding units
    4. Create tally of most common categories/codes
    5. Test for reliability (test-retest, inter-rater)
  • Content Analysis
    • Reliability is established as it is easily replicable
    • Allows statistical analysis to be conducted
    • Not overly time-consuming compared to thematic analysis
    • Complements other research methods and can be used to verify results
  • Thematic Analysis
    A method used to analyse qualitative data by identifying, analysing and reporting common/key themes
  • How to Conduct a Thematic Analysis
    1. Familiarise with data
    2. Identify themes and patterns
    3. Review themes to explain behaviour
    4. Categorise and define themes
    5. Write up analysis
  • Thematic Analysis
    • Provides flexibility in approach
    • Uses a subjective approach to apply theories
    • Explores data without preconceptions to increase validity