Business Growth

Cards (27)

  • Advantages of Business Growth
    • increase market share
    • increased profit meaning break even faster
  • Methods of Internal Growth
    • New markets
    • New Products
    • New Technology
  • New Markets
    Changing the marketing mix to find new markets or expanding overseas
  • New Products
    • Adapting an existing product or service
    • researching or developing new products not currently available
  • New Technology
    Large organisations can benefit from investing in the latest technology or in the ability to develop the technology themselves
  • External growth
    Faster way to grow by joining with another business
  • Methods of external growth
    • merger
    • Takeover
  • Merger
    when two or more businesses voluntarily agree to join up and work as one together.
  • Takeover
    When one business busy another. To take over it is necessary to gain control by owning enough shares.
  • One reason why a business might want to grow
    Higher Profit
  • Internal Growth
    When a business expands by itself, by bringing out new products or entering new markets.
  • How do PLC's raise capital?
    selling shares on a stock exchange. This makes it easier for businesses to raise money for growth.
  • Benefits of PLC's
    • ability to raise finance through share capital
    • Limited liability
    • More reliable
    • able to negotiate better prices with supppliers
    • Greater public awareness
  • Disadvantages of PLC's
    • more complex accounting and reporting procedures
    • Risk of potential takeovers
    • Increased public and media attention
    • Less privacy around financial performance
    • Greater influence on decision-making by external shareholders
  • Becoming a PLC may enable a business to grow in a multinational and operate in more than one country.
  • A private limited company (ltd) can change into a public limited company (plc) through a stock market flotation.
  • Stock Market Flotation
    where a business issues shares for sale on the stock exchange
  • Financing Growth

    A business can use internal sources of finance or external sources
  • Internal sources of finance
    • Sales of assets- selling is a fast way to raise capital
    • Retained profits - safest as involves no risk or debt, profit is not guaranteed and may require investments.
  • External sources of finance
    • Loan capital- long term bank loan against assets, interest will be charged
    • Share Capital- can raise capital by selling shares, puts at risk of takeover, shareholders entitled to share of profits through dividends
  • The economic climate may change the level of demand and spending in the market. A fall or rise will influence business objectives.
  • Trade off
    when something is given up in order to gain or achieve something else.
  • PLC
    Public Limited Company- a business that sells its shares on the stock exchange.
  • Retained Profit
    Profit left after the business has paid dividends and taxation
  • Loan Capital
    Finance received from a bank when taking out a loan.
  • Share Capital
    The money invested into a business by shareholders.
  • Innovation
    Adapting existing products to developed and improved versions.