
    Cards (2)

    • o   Electrical impulses are converted to chemical neurotransmitters when they reach the synaptic gap as electrical impulses cannot diffuse across.
      o   They are needed to send information from one neurone to the next.
      o   Released from the axon terminals and bind to receptor sites on the other neurone.
      o   In a process called reuptake, neurotransmitters attach to receptor sites and are then re-absorbed and reused by the pre-synaptic neurone.
    • o   Synaptic gap can be excitatory or inhibitory.
      o   Excitatory = makes it more likely for the next neurone to fire (acetylcholine)
      o   Inhibitory = makes it less likely for the next neurone to fire (GABA)
      o   Normal brain function is based on the regulation between the excitatory and inhibitor influences.
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