Morals can come from conscience which is believed to be givenbyGod.
Absolute Morality
The belief that something is alwaysright and alwayswrong and applies to every situation.
Relative Morality
The individualsituation should be considered as there are no absolute rules.
Psychological Crime
Genes/emotions. E.g Mentalillness, addiction
Environmental Crime
Where you live. E.g Poverty, unemployment
Social Crime
The people around you. E.g Peer pressure, influence of the media
Reduce Crime
Educate others to be more aware of the causes of crime. Supportcriminals to help change their lives. Partaking in charitywork to support those facing poverty so they don't resort to crime. Supportstrongerpunishments for more severe crimes.
Create opportunities for young people growing up in deprivedcommunities.
Prison Fellowship
Supports prisoners. E.g. sending gifts to prisoner's children, to help them understand the impact of their crime.
Put people off committing crimes as they know what the punishments will be.
Reform offenders so they understand what they did wrong and try to fix these problems
To gain revenge for the victims against those who have done wrong.
Helps administer and maintain the law. Gives people confidence that the law will keep them safe.
Society is safe and protected from criminals.
Rights of prisoners
Have human rights, have a fair trial 'innocent until proven guilty', and have an opportunity to change their behaviour as they should be educated and be treated fairly with justice.
Prison Reformer
Create a fair and humane justice system. Punishes those who commit crimes but also reforms them. They try to reduce unnecessary imprisonment and promote community solutions to crime. Improve treatment and conditions for prisoners and their families. Promote quality and human rights in the justice system.
Prison Chaplains
Pastoral care for prisoners. Provide counselling, rehabilitation and spiritual needs. Helps with feelings of guilt, fear and loneliness. Help re-enter society and care for family members affected by crime.
Death Penalty - For - Christian
' Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth' - if you are willing to take someone's life your life should be taken away. ' Punishment should be fair' - justice is important and criminals should be punished for their actions.
Death Penalty - Against- Christian
' Thou shall not kill' - killing is never right as God says it is wrong in the 10 commandments. 'Love thy neighbour' - Killing isn't a loving act. ' Jesus said be compassionate' - Follow the example of Jesus by helping others. ' Forgive us our trespasses - we should be forgiven of our sins. ' Turn the other cheek' - forgive those who have done wrong and don't seek revenge
Death Penalty - For - Islam
' Take not life except for justice' - if it is justifiable the death penalty is acceptable. ' Stand up for justice' - if someone has done something wrong they should be held accountable
Death Penalty- Against - Islam
' No one dies unless Allah permits' - Allah decides when someone dies. ' Criminals should be treated fairly' - the death penalty is unfair and not a humane way of punishment. ' Allah is forgiving' - if Allah is forgiving everybody else should be. ' Chance to reform' - everyone should be given a chance to better themselves.
State of armed conflict between different countries of different groups within a country.
A disagreement or argument between people or countries which could lead to war.
The absence of war and conflict
Just War Theory
Thomas Aquinas- developed conditions for a justifiable war.
Just War Theory Conditions
War must be for a just (fair and good) cause. E.g. self-defence. War must be the last resort- all non-violent ways of solving a war have been tried. Only necessary force must be used - must be as little violence as possible. Only legitimate targets must be attacked - no killing of innocent people
Lesser Jihad
Struggle to defend Islam
Lesser Jihad Conditions
All other ways of trying to settle the dispute have failed. War needs to be declared by a religious leader whose authority is accepted by the Muslim community. Protect civilian life and also plants and animals. Go to war if they are not allowed to practice their religion freely.
Conscientious objector
A person who has claimed the right to refuse to perform military service on the grounds of freedom of thought, conscience or religion. For example, Muhammed Ali refused to fight in the Vietnamese war.
Christian group that believes that there is something of God in everybody and that each human being is of unique worth. This is why Quakers value all people equally and oppose anything that may harm or threaten them.
To accept that someone is sorry for what they have done and forgive them. It may also mean giving up the idea of seeking revenge.
The restoration of a friendship or a relationship
Eva Kor
Auschwitz survivor, her and her twin sister were experimented on at at Nazi death camp. She recently testified against one of the guards who was on trial for 300,000 counts of accessory to murder. Eva embraced the guard and forgave him.
Gee Walker
Son was murdered in a racially motivated attack in 2005. She forgave because that's what the Bible said. It also eases the bitterness and anger felt by victims.
Jesus's teachings on forgiveness
God is forgiving forgiveness is for everybody not just good and holy people. If a person is truly sorry for what they have done they will be forgiven. All people can break away from their old lives. If you cannot forgive others don't expect God to forgive you. Many problems in the world are caused by people not being able to forgive each other and people living under the illusion that they do not need forgiveness.
Muslim teachings on forgiveness
Those who forgive others will be rewarded by Allah.Allah is forgiving so Muslims believe they should be like that too. One of Allah's 99 names is ' Allahtheforgiving'. Forgiveness is the path to peace. Humans need both God's forgiveness and humanforgiveness as they make mistakes in their actions towards each other and their actions towards God. Allah will forgive those who are trulysorry.
Moral Evil
Suffering caused by humans. This can be deliberate or accidental. E.g. terrorist attacks/ murder
Natural Evil
Suffering caused by nature. E.g. earthquakes/ flooding