Administration of oxygen to a patient prior to intubation to extend the safe apnoea time
Primary mechanism is denitrogenation of the lungs
Maximal preoxygenation is achieved when the alveolar, arterial, tissue, and venous compartments are all filled with oxygen
Safe apnoea time
Duration of time following cessation of breathing/ventilation until critical arterial desaturation occurs (typically considered SaO2 88% to 90% in clinical settings)
Using oxygen to wash out the nitrogen contained in lungs after breathing room air, resulting in a larger alveolar oxygen reservoir
Oxygen consumption during apnea is approximately 250-200 mL/min (~3 mL/kg/min) in healthy adults
Goals of Preoxygenation
Denitrogenation of the lungs
Achieve as close to SaO2 100% as possible
Oxygenate the plasma
Factors that decrease safe apnoea time
Critical illness
Inadequate preoxygenation
Shunt physiology
Airway occlusion
Increased oxygen consumption (e.g. high metabolic rate, Fasciculations from suxamethonium)
Anaemia or dyshaemoglobinaemia
Preoxygenation procedure
1. IF adequate respiratory drive, preoxygenate by At least 3 minutes of tidal ventilations, or 8 breaths with full inspiration/ expiration to achieve vital capacity in <60 seconds (requires patient cooperation)
2. IF inadequate respiratory drive, preoxygenate by: Positive pressure ventilation (e.g. assisted breaths with BVM) at 15 +/- 2 L/min or more
The fraction of inspired oxygen during mechanical ventilation
The FIO2 should always be set at 100% until adequate arterial oxygenation is documented
A short period with an FIO2 of 100% is not dangerous to the patient receiving mechanical ventilation and offers the clinician several advantages
Oxygen flux
Amount of O2 leaving the left ventricle per minute in the arterial blood
Cardiac output
Stroke volume x heart rate, where stroke volume depends on preload, contractility and afterload