-The Cold War would turn "hot" in Korea.
-When Japan surrendered in WWII, Japanese forces occupying Korea also surrendered to the Allied forces there.
-The Soviets accepted the surrender North of the 38th parallel while the U.S. accepted the surrender South of the 38th parallel.
-While both the U.S. and USSR claimed to want a reunited Korea, both hoped it would be reunited under their respective political philosophies.
-As both sides pulled out their troops, they backed regimes loyal to their own philosophies.
-On June 25, 1950, Soviet made tanks and North Korean troops cross the 38th parallel in an attempt to try to unite the North and South under communist rule.
-The U.S. wanted to make sure South Korea didn't fall to communism but would also leave North Korea alone.
-The North Koreans would push the South Korean army back to the port city of Pusan, where the Pusan Perimeter was formed.
-America was shocked. Truman ordered U.S. planes and ships to the area to try to prevent South Korea's fall, without asking Congress.
-Truman used the hostilities to push the NSC 68.
-Truman was determined to enforce containment so he took the matter to the UN, where he knew the measure to stop North Korean aggression would be passed.
-The USSR was not present for the vote as they were boycotting the U.S. refusal to recognize Communist China.
1) Condemn North Korea as the aggressor
2) Render very assistance to restore peace.
-Officially the U.S. was participating in a UN "police action" which General MacArthur was leading.
-By the end of the week Truman had ordered U.S. troops into South Korea.
-Rather than fight his way out of Pusan, MacArthur launched an amphibious landing at Inchon.
-North Korea would be pushed back across the 38th parallel but MacArthur wanted to go after them and defeat them fully.
-Truman gave the go ahead but told MacArthur to stop at the first sign of military intervention by China. Now the operation had moved from containment to an offensive war.
-The Chinese issued a warning that the UN forces should keep away from the Yalu River.
-MacArthur dismissed the warning and continued his drive north.
-On November of 1950, China sent a wave of 250,000 troops and forced the UN forces back across the 38th parallel.
-The Chinese army caught the UN forces by surprise and resulted in many being taken as POWs.
-MacArthur publicly revealed he was frustrated that he was fighting a "limited war" so on April 11, 1951, Truman fired him for insubordination.
-On July of 1951, truce discussions began but would drag on over the issue of POWs. A truce wouldn't be reached until 1953, but no peace treaty between North and South Korea was signed. Technically, the two sides are still at war today.
-Americans were frustrated by the outcome of the war as 540,000 Americans were killed in a stalemate result.