
Cards (8)

  • correlations
    research which analyses strength and direction of a relationship between two co-variables - co-variables name given to variables in correlation that are being analysed to see if they have a relationship - correlations require quantitative data (numerical) plotted on a scatter gram - main types are positive, negative and zero
  • correlation and experiment difference
    experiments 1 variable manipulated (IV) whilst one is measured (DV) to establish cause and effect relationship
    correlation no manipulation of 1 variable and it's not possible to establish cause and effect relationship - correlation measured 2 variables (co-variables) and establishes association or relationship
  • types of correlation
    positive - as one co-variable increases so does the other - e.g. more caffeine people drink, higher level of anxiety
    negative - as one co- variable increases, the other decreases - e.g. more caffeine people drink, less sleep they have
    zero - no relationship between co-variables - e.g. no relationship between people's height and their intelligence
  • correlation coefficients
    a number that represents strength and direction of relationship between two co-variables - correlation coefficient varies on scale between -1 and +1 - -1 represents perfect negative correlation, 0 represents no correlation and +1 represents perfect positive correlation
  • non directional correlation hypothesis example
    There will be a significant correlation between amount of time since participant last ate and the number of words they can recall from a list
  • positive correlation hypothesis example

    There will be a significant positive correlation between the amount of time since a participant last ate and the number of words they can recall from a list
  • negative correlation hypothesis example

    There will be a significant negative correlation between the amount of time since a participant last ate and the number of words they can recall from a list
  • correlational analysis evaluation

    Advantages - easy to analyse (quantitative data) - further research (can expand understanding of world)
    Disadvantages - Doesn't establish cause and effect - third variable problem (relationship could be due to a third variable that isn't measured)