Positive psychology is the scientific study of the strengths that enable individuals and communities to thrive
The main focus of positive psychology is to ensure that all people lead or flourish
In 2014, the UK was considered the 7th happiest country in the world
Positive psychology
Relevant in today's society
Positive psychology in education
Can promote skills and strengths that are used, including perseverance, engagement in learning and achievement
Can produce measurable improvements in students' well-being and behaviour
Positive psychology curriculum
Penn Resiliency Program (PRP)
Students on this programme showed reduced symptoms of depression compared to a control group
Positive psychology curricula do not antagonize the traditional goals of classroom learning but rather enhance them
Positive psychology in work
Work can be the major source of our happiness
Experiences are most positive when both challenges and skills are high
People experience flow situations more at work than during leisure
If workers admitted that work can be as or more enjoyable than most of their leisure time, they might work more effectively and improve the quality of their own lives
Positive psychology in leisure and lifestyle
People can increase their experience of flow and the quality of their lives by being more conscious of and more active in their use of leisure time
Positive psychology projects
Action for Happiness website
Positive psychology in health
Those with high levels of emotional vitality have a reduced risk of coronary heart disease
Medical professionals might treat patients with advice about how to increase their happiness, along with other lifestyle advice
There is a lack of rigorous evidence for the effectiveness of positive psychology interventions
Positive psychology programs may not be taken seriously because they have difficulty in conducting research that draws clear cause and effect conclusions
Positive psychology may only be available to a privileged part of society
The debate on the relevance of positive psychology in today's society is ongoing