Cards (11)

  • What is food intolerance?

    It is a condition where certain foods produce unpleasant side effects like bloating and digestive problems.
  • What are some examples of food intolerances listed in Table 1.20?

    • Gluten: Protein in cereals (Wheat, rye, oats, barley)
    • Lactose: Sugar in milk (Milk, cheese, yoghurt, cream)
    • Aspartame: Artificial sweetener (Diet drinks, desserts)
    • MSG: Flavour enhancer (Instant noodles, canned soups, some sauces)
  • Why is it important for individuals with food intolerance to check food labels?

    To avoid substances that may cause digestive issues and ensure proper digestion of foods.
  • How do food intolerances differ from food allergies?

    Food intolerances are not as severe as allergies and do not trigger the same immune response.
  • What should customers do if they have food intolerances when dining out?

    They should check food labels and ask staff about ingredients in dishes.
  • Why might food intolerances not be highlighted on food labels in the UK?

    Because they are not legally required to be indicated as main allergens.
  • What is the key term defined in the study material related to food intolerance?
    Food intolerance is a sensitivity to some foods that can make it difficult to digest them and cause negative side effects.
  • What are some foods that contain gluten?

    Wheat, rye, oats, and barley.
  • What are some foods that contain lactose?

    Milk, cheese, yoghurt, and cream.
  • In what types of products can aspartame be found?

    Diet drinks and desserts.
  • What types of foods commonly contain MSG?

    Instant noodles, canned soups, and some sauces.