Authentic Christian Life Through Confirmation

Cards (22)

  • view of life from God’s standpoint
  • deeper penetration of the mysteries of the faith
  • ability to teach and share the mysteries of the faith

  • courage
  • judgment that enables one to make the right moral decision in the moment; prudence
  • rendering to God what is due to God, especially praise and thanksgiving
  • deepest awe and respect for God

    Fear of the Lord
  • Renewal of baptismal promises compelling the confirmed to stand on own feet and publicly proclaim who they are and what they stand for (sacramentum)
  • branded for Christ
    Anointing with chrism
  • acknowledges a mature commitment to Christ and the Church that often happens as children become teenagers; but it is really about the receiving of spiritual gifts by a person of any age
  • Confirmation is empowering.
  • Just as the Holy Spirit comes to dwell within a person at Baptism, the Spirit comes again with refreshing energy at Confirmation.
  • Confirmation is not a graduation to Catholic adulthood; rather, it is coming into one’s full participation in the life and work of the Spirit.
  • We remember that the Holy Spirit desires to conform us always to the life of Christ himself, and to prepare us for his eternal reign.
  • is an evangelistic sacrament.

  • Christ, all the initiated demonstrate a kind of priesthood. “common priesthood”.
  • Confirmation is an ordination to the laity
  • it is connected to preaching and teaching.
  • the gifts imparted in the sacrament of Confirmation include wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and counsel
  • our lives are ordered towards our true King and his eternal kingdom
  • we the spiritual allies of Christ the King, and Confirmation is “our enrollment in his service for ever”
  • When we are marked with chrism and sealed with the Holy Spirit in Confirmation, we are transformed