Cards (10)

  • assumptions
    Every person has their own unique way of perceiving and understanding the world and that the things they do only make sense in this light. Therefore, the aim of this approach is not objectivity as the other approaches; its aim is to understand people’s subjectivity.
  • Rogers proposed a theory of ‘self’ which suggests we all strive to reach our full potential – Self actualisation (Self and ideal self and the gap of incongruence caused by conditions of worth)
  • Maslow's heirarchy of needs
  • Rogers: people could only self-actualise if they had a positive self-regard. This can only happen if they have unconditional positive regard from others – if they feel that they are valued and respected without reservation by those around them.
    However, most people don’t perceive the positive regard of others as being unconditional. They tend to think they will only be loved and valued if they meet certain conditions of worth. These conditions of worth create incongruence between the real self (how the person is) and the ideal self (how they think they should be or want to be).
  • Self-actualisation is only possible if there is congruence between the way an individual sees themselves and their ideal self (the way they want to be or think they should be).
    If there is a large gap between these two concepts, negative feelings of self-worth will arise that will make it impossible for self-actualisation to take place.
  • Counselling: To reduce the gap between the self and ideal self, Rogers developed client-centred therapy as an important counselling therapy. It is a non-directive therapy in which the client is encouraged to discover their own solutions to their difficulties in an atmosphere that is supportive and non-judgemental and that provides unconditional positive regard. It focuses on the present rather than dwell on the past unlike psychoanalysis. This therapy is widely used e.g. health, education and industry.
  • Basic needs - physiological needs (food, water, warmth) and safety needs (security, safety)
  • Psychological needs - belongingness and love needs (intimate relationships, friends) and esteem needs (prestige and feeling of accomplishment)
  • Self fulfillment needs - self actualisation (achieving one's full potential, including creative activities)
  • counselling psychology provides:
    1. Unconditional positive regard (no conditions of worth put upon the person)
    2. Being genuine
    3. Being empathic (empathy is understanding another person’s feelings)