working memory model

Cards (6)

  • CE and EB
    Baddeley and hitch 1974 to explain how stm is organised
    • CE supervisory role, monitors incoming data, divides attention and allocated subsystems to tasks
    • limited processing capacity and cannot store info
    • EB added in 2000, temporary store integrating info processed from other stores, maintains a sense of time sequencing as records episodes as they happen
    • seen as storage component of CE, limited capacity of 4 chunks
    • EB links stm to LTM and other wider cognitive processes
  • PL and VSSP
    Pl desks with auditory info (acoustic coding)
    • preserves info in order it arrives, divided into 2 subsystems
    • phonological store, stores verbal info you hear
    • articulatory process, allows maintenance rehearsal by repeating sound in loop, 2seconds worth of spoken info
    VSSP stores visual and spatial info eg visualising how many windows on house
    • limited capacity of 3/4 objects
    • visual cache stores visual data
    • inner scribe records arrangement of objects in visual field
  • strength
    clinical evidence from KF
    • motorbike injury brain, poor stm ability for auditory info but could process visual info, recall better when info read by him instead of spoken to him
    • PL damaged but VSSP intact
    • supports evidence of separate stores as diff physical basis
  • limitation counter 

    case study so cannot generalise, motorcycle injury may have caused other cognitive impairments other than the PL which affected his cognitive performance
  • strength
    support from dual task performance study
    • baddeley, when visual and verbal task at same time, performance same as if done separately, when both tasks visual or both verbal, performance worse
    • in dual processing both compete for same store reducing attention
    • support for diff VSSP AND PL
  • limitation
    lack of clarity over CE
    • baddeley, most important but least understood
    • needs to be specified as more than just attention
    • psychologists believe may have sub components itself
    • unsatisfactory component limits WMM as explanation