minority influence

Cards (5)

  • moscovici
    min influence refers to situations where one or group influence majority most likely lead to internalisation
    • 6 pp asked to name if 36 blue slides were blue or green , 2 confeds in each group saying green
    • 8% true ppt said green
    • 1% said green if inconsistent minority (24g 12b)
    • 0.25% no confederates
  • techniques
    consistency - with views increases interest overtime, can be synchronic (all say same thing) or diachronic (saying the same thing for long time) makes people rethink view
    commitment - demonstrate committed to cause eg engage in extreme activity to draw attention, risk shows commitment, majority then pay even more attention (augprin)
    flexibikity - Nemeth consistency cant only factor as becomes dogmatic and rigid, need to be prepared to accept counter argument or adapt
    majority will stop and think and deeper process, which converts to minority viewpoint, more DP= faster conversion
  • strength
    research support for consistency
    • moscovici drooped to 1% when not consistent
    • wood meta analysis of 100 similar studies found consistent minority most influential
    • supports idea and need for consistency
  • strength
    research support for deeper processing
    • Martin - presented message of particular view to ppt and measured their agreement
    • one group then heard minority group agree with view and one a majority agree with view
    • then exposed to conflicting view
    • ppt linked to minority less likely to change ideas
    • auggests minority message had been more deeply processed and had enduring effect, supporting central argument for how minority influence works
  • limitation
    artificial tasks
    • moscovic slide
    • no real reason to change view
    • far removed from how minorities attempt to change views
    • eg jury decisions or political campaigns with life or death situations
    • finfings lack EV limited in real life generalisability