Cognitive interview

Cards (9)

  • what is the CI
    a method of interviewing eyewitnesses to help them retrieve more accurate memories
    1. Report Everything
    • the interviewer encourages the witness to report all details about the event
    • even though these details may seem to be unimportant.
  • 2. Context reinstatement
    • asks the eyewitness to try and mentally recreate an image of the situation
    • including details of the environment, such as the weather conditions
    • the individual’s emotional state including their feelings at the time of the incident.
  • 4. Recall from different perspective
    • involves trying to mentally recreate the situation from different points of view
    • e.g. describing what another witness present at the scene would have seen.
  • 3. recall event in a different order
    • witness is asked to recall the scene in a different chronological order, e.g. from the end to the beginning.
  • what is the enhanced cognitive interview
    • Fisher developed on the original CI.
    • establishes key social skills that are needed for the interviewer.
    • For example, they should maintain eye contact but release it when needed
    • use open-ended questions
    • asking the witness to speak slowly.
  • the CI is time consuming
    • police may be reluctant to use CI as it takes much more time than the standards police interview.
    • the CI also requires specialist training so the police are unlikely to use the proper CI.
    • limits use even if its effective
  • some of the techniques may be more effective than others

    • Milne and Bull suggested that the recall using each individual technique is similar
    • but using a combination of report everything and context reinstatement produced the best recall.
    • This reduces the validity of the cognitive interview
    • police officers only need to use some of the techniques to improve accuracy and so all 4 techniques are not necessarily needed or as effective.
  • research support for the ECI
    • Kohnken et al did a meta-analysis
    • found that the cognitive interview increased accuracy by 34% in comparison to standard interviewing.
    • the cognitive interview is effective in improving the accuracy of eyewitness testimony.

    • However, Kohnken et al. also found that there was an increase inaccurate information
    • cognitive interview produces a greater quantity of information but the quality of that information is compromised.
    • question the effectiveness of the cognitive interview