cognitive approach

Cards (63)

  • Cognitive approach
    Thursday 5th October
  • Vicarious reinforcement
    Learning through observation of others and imitation depends on reward/punishment of those observed
  • Behaviourist approach
    Assumes behaviours are explained in terms of observation and learning (classical and operant conditioning), interested in observable and measurable data
  • Operant conditioning applied to real life
    • Token system in prisons and psychiatric wards
  • Cognitive
    Mental processes
  • Why and how did the cognitive approach emerge?
    Cognitive approach emerged as response to the behaviourist failure to acknowledge mental processes. The development of computers allowed cognitive psychologist a metaphor to explain mental processes.
  • Mental processes investigated by cognitive approach
    • Perception
    • Memory
    • Thinking
    • Language
    • Attention
  • Basic assumptions of cognitive approach
    • Internal mental processes can and should be studied scientifically
    • Studies perception, memory and thinking
    • These processes are private and can't be observed
    • Cognitive psychologists study them indirectly by making inferences about what is going on in someone's mind by their behaviour
    • The workings of a computer and the human mind are alike – they encode and store information, and they have outputs
  • Inference
    Cognitive psychologist draw conclusions about mental processes based on behaviour
  • Ways cognitive psychologists study
    • Case studies of brain injury
    • Scientific/ Lab studies
    • Brain mapping (MRI Scans)
    • Testing Theoretical and computer models
  • Information processing approach
    Information flows through the cognitive system in a sequence of stages that include an input, storage, retrieval of information
  • Computer models
    Cognitive Psychologists like to think we compute information like a computer. Take in information (input), Change it/store it (process), Then recall it when we need to (output). During the process we are using perception, memory, attention. Mind compared to a computer hardware, Cognitive processes with a computers software
  • Schema
    Mental structure that represents an aspect of the world
  • Schemas develop from our experiences. They are mental shortcuts that help us process our world/environment.
  • Schemas may also distort our interpretations which can lead to perceptual errors
  • Cognitive approach
    Monday 9th October
  • Words associated with murder
    • List of words
  • The perception of the young or elderly woman in the Old Woman Young Woman illusion was influenced by the age of the person viewing the illusion
  • Participants aged between 18 and 30 were far more likely to initially see the young woman, while participants aged over 30 were more likely to initially perceive the older woman
  • The phenomenon of own-age biases has a significant impact on the subconscious perception of faces
  • When we look at the image, our brains automatically make assumptions based on the information that our eyes are receiving. These assumptions are influenced by our prior experiences and beliefs, and they shape the way that we perceive the image.
  • Cognitive Neuroscience and Evaluation
    Thursday 12th October
  • The emergence of cognitive neuroscience
    The scientific study of the influence of brain structure on mental processes. Mapping brain areas has a long history in psychology. In 1860 Paul Broca identified damage to the frontal lobe could permanently impair speech production. Over the last 20 years with advances in brain imaging such as MRI and PET scans scientists have been able to systematically observe and describe the neurological basis of mental processes.
  • Improved scanning techniques have also helped to establish a neurological basis for mental disorders such as Depression, OCD, Alzheimer
  • The parahippocampal gyrus appears to play a role in processing unpleasant emotions
  • Tulving et al. (1994) found the location of episodic and semantic memory
  • Cognitive neuroscience also focus on creating computer models that can read the brain. Development of mind mapping techniques known as "brain fingerprinting"
  • London taxi drivers had more gray matter in their posterior hippocampi than people who were similar in age, education and intelligence, but who did not drive taxis
  • The main assumption from the behaviourist approach is that behaviour should be studied through observation and in terms of learning
  • The main assumption in the social learning theory is that we learn behaviour indirectly through others around us. Mediational process involved
  • The main assumption from the cognitive approach is that mental processes should be studied scientifically. Private and studied through inferences. Mind functions like a computer
  • Cognitive neuroscience developed in the late 19th century. It helps us understand behaviour by examining our brain structures through use of MRI and PET scans
  • Exam style questions
    Monday 16th October
  • Cognitive neuroscience is the scientific study of brain structures that are responsible for cognitive processes
  • Practical applications of cognitive neuroscience include using imaging technology to study mental processes and scanning techniques to establish the neurological basis of disorders like OCD and Depression
  • Evaluating Cognitive approach
    Monday 16th October
  • Social learning theory
    We learn behaviour indirectly through others around us. Mediational process involved.
  • Cognitive approach
    Mental processes should be studied scientifically. Private and studied through inferences. Mind functions like a computer.
  • Cognitive neuroscience developed
    Late 19th century
  • Cognitive neuroscience
    Helps us understand behaviour by examining our brain structures through use of MRI and PET scans