abnormality definitions

Cards (20)

  • Psychopathology
    The scientific study of mental disorders
  • One issue with psychological disorders is how do we identify when someone is psychologically unwell? Or, how does their behaviour differ from what is considered 'normal' and when is a person classified as 'abnormal'?
  • Psychologists and health professionals have put forward different definitions of abnormality, in an attempt to develop our understanding of abnormal behaviour
  • Four key definitions of abnormality
    • Statistical infrequency
    • Deviation from social norms
    • Failure to function adequately
    • Deviation from ideal mental health
  • Statistical infrequency/statistical deviation
    When an individual has a less common characteristic
  • According to the statistical definition, any unusual behaviour or characteristic can be thought of as 'abnormal'
  • Statistical infrequency
    • Intelligence - most people cluster around average IQ of 100, those below 70 are very unusual 'abnormal' and may receive a diagnosis of intellectual disability disorder
  • Deviation from social norms
    Behaviour that is different from the expected/accepted standards of behaviour in a society
  • Groups of people (social) choose to define what is normal or abnormal on the basis of what offends their sense of what is acceptable (norm)
  • Norms are specific to cultures and may differ from generation to generation, with few behaviours considered universally abnormal
  • Deviation from social norms
    • Homosexuality was considered abnormal in the past and continues to be viewed as abnormal even illegal in some cultures
  • With the deviation from social norms definition, it is necessary to consider the degree of norm violation, the importance of the norm, and the value attached by the social group to the violation
  • Failure to function adequately
    When someone is unable to cope with ordinary demands of day to day living, unable to perform behaviours necessary for day-to-day life
  • Characteristics that define failure to function adequately: suffering, maladaptiveness, vividness & unconventionality, unpredictability & loss of control, irrationality/incomprehensibility, causes observer discomfort, violates moral/social standards
  • Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) Scale

    Measures how well individuals function in everyday life, considers Rosenhan and Seligman's characteristics plus occupational functioning
  • Deviation from ideal mental health
    Occurs when someone does not meet a set of criteria for good mental health
  • Criteria for ideal mental health (Jahoda, 1958)
    • Accurate perception of reality
    • Self-actualisation - capability for growth and development
    • Positive view of the self
    • Environmental mastery - able to meet the varying demands of day-to-day situations
    • Autonomy and independence
    • Resisting Stress
  • Failure to function adequately definition considers
  • Failure to function adequately definition assesses mental health like physical health
  • Once ideal mental health is established, those who deviate from it can be identified