One issue with psychological disorders is how do we identify when someone is psychologically unwell? Or, how does their behaviour differ from what is considered 'normal' and when is a person classified as 'abnormal'?
Psychologists and health professionals have put forward different definitions of abnormality, in an attempt to develop our understanding of abnormal behaviour
Intelligence - most people cluster around average IQ of 100, those below 70 are very unusual 'abnormal' and may receive a diagnosis of intellectual disability disorder
With the deviation from social norms definition, it is necessary to consider the degree of norm violation, the importance of the norm, and the value attached by the social group to the violation
Characteristics that define failure to function adequately: suffering, maladaptiveness, vividness & unconventionality, unpredictability & loss of control, irrationality/incomprehensibility, causes observer discomfort, violates moral/social standards