Daneman and Carpenter (1980) found that there may be individual differences between STM capacity suggesting that we cannot apply Jacob's findings to everyone in all situations
Due to the artificial nature of the words lists, this may not be appropriate across cultures and age ranges- due to complexity and perhaps mother tongue
When using Jacobs method the digits/letters used don't have as much semantic meaning so we are testing short term-memory only and these can not reliably be used for LTM
Due to the artificial nature of the words lists chosen and the highly controlled method. This research is not able to be applied to every day memory episodes- Lacking External Validity
AO1: You get up to 3 marks for: knowledge of procedures and/or findings/conclusions of studies which investigate duration of sensory memory, STM or LTM, eg Peterson and Peterson - Trigrams study (1959), Bahrick - Yearbook study (1974)
AO3: You get up to 5 marks for: Starting an evaluation point by signposting " A strength of Peterson and Peterson's research into Duration was/is…" "A Weakness of Peterson and Petersons research into duration was/is…" Point: State what the issue is Evidence: What evidence do you have for this? Explain: Why is this a good thing/ bad thing? Link: Link back to the question