scaffer's stages of attachment

Cards (9)

  • Secondary attachment
    Attachment to a person other than the primary caregiver
  • Reciprocity
    Mutual responsiveness and interaction between caregiver and infant
  • Internal synchrony
    The coordination and timing of caregiver-infant interactions
  • Schaffer and Emerson's study methodology
    1. 60 babies (31 male, 29 female) from Glasgow working-class families visited monthly for first year and again at 18 months
    2. Mothers asked about infant's protest in 7 everyday separations (measure of separation anxiety)
    3. Researchers also assessed stranger anxiety
  • Schaffer and Emerson's key findings
    • 50% of babies showed signs of separation anxiety towards a particular adult, usually the mother, by 25-32 weeks
    • Attachment tended to be to the caregiver most interactive and sensitive to infant signals (reciprocity), not necessarily the most time spent
    • By 40 weeks, 80% had a specific attachment and 30% had multiple attachments
  • Schaffer and Emerson's 4 stages of attachment
    • Stage 1: Asocial stage (first few weeks)
    • Stage 2: Indiscriminate attachment (2-7 months)
    • Stage 3: Specific attachment (around 7 months)
    • Stage 4: Multiple attachments (shortly after specific attachment)
  • Baby Michelle is in Stage 3: Specific attachment
  • Baby Ruth is in Stage 4: Multiple attachments
  • Baby Graham is in Stage 1: Asocial stage