cultural variations of attachment

Cards (20)

  • Proximity seeking
    Seeking closeness to attachment figure
  • Exploration and secure-base behaviours
    Exploring environment while maintaining contact with attachment figure
  • Stranger anxiety
    Fear or distress in the presence of an unfamiliar person
  • Separation anxiety
    Distress experienced when separated from attachment figure
  • Responses to reunion
    Behaviours displayed when reunited with attachment figure after separation
  • Cultural variations in attachment
  • Attachment
    Monday, 7 February 2022
  • Ainsworth's Strange Situation

    7 episodes
  • Attachment
    Bond between child and caregiver
  • Aims
    To look at the proportions of secure, insecure-avoidant and insecure-resistant attachments across a range of countries
  • Procedures
    Researchers located 32 studies (1,990 children) using the Strange Situation, conducted in 8 countries (15 in USA), data subject to meta-analysis
  • Findings
    Secure attachment most common but proportions varied (75% in Britain, 50% in China); insecure-resistant least common (3% in Britain, 30% in Israel); insecure-avoidant most in Germany, least in Japan; variations within countries greater than between countries
  • Simonella et al. (2014) study in Italy
    50% secure, 36% insecure-avoidant, lower secure rate due to increased maternal employment and childcare use
  • Jin et al. (2012) study in Korea
    Overall proportions similar to other countries, but more insecure-resistant, fewer insecure-avoidant, similar to Japan
  • Secure attachment seems universal, but cultural practices influence attachment type
  • Evidence for attachment being innate and universal
    Bowlby's idea that attachment is innate and produces similar behaviours across cultures
  • How cultural practices influence attachment
    Mass media disseminating similar parenting ideas across countries; caregiving styles affected by factors like poverty, urban vs rural settings
  • Interaction of nature and nurture influences attachment
  • Strange Situation may measure anxiety rather than attachment
  • Strange Situation designed for American culture, may not apply to other cultures (imposed etic)