ainsworth's strange situation

Cards (11)

  • Strange situation technique
    Controlled observation procedure designed to measure the security of attachment displays towards a caregiver
  • Ainsworth's Strange Situation (1969)
    1. Child and caregiver enter unfamiliar playroom
    2. Child is encouraged to explore
    3. Stranger comes in and tries to interact with child
    4. Caregiver leaves child and stranger together
    5. Caregiver returns and stranger leaves
    6. Caregiver leaves child alone
    7. Stranger returns
    8. Caregiver returns and is reunited with child
  • Strange Situation
    • Takes place in a room with controlled conditions with a two-way mirror through which psychologists can observe the infants behaviour
    • Designed to observe key attachment behaviours as a means of assessing the quality of a child's attachment to a caregiver
  • Behaviours used to judge attachment
    • Proximity seeking
    • Exploration and secure-base behaviours
    • Stranger anxiety
    • Separation anxiety
    • Responses to reunion
  • Ainsworth et al. (1978) found that there were distinct patterns in the way that infants behaved and identified three main types of attachment
  • Attachment types identified
    • Secure attachment (Type A)
    • Insecure-avoidant attachment (Type B)
    • Insecure-resistant attachment (Type C)
  • Around 60-75% of British toddlers are classified as secure attachment
  • Around 20-25% of toddlers are classified as insecure-avoidant attachment
  • Around 3% of British toddlers are classified as insecure-resistant attachment
  • Megan was classified as insecure-avoidant
    Megan would show little reaction when her mother leaves and make little effort to make contact when the mother returns
  • Rosie was classified as insecure-resistant
    Rosie would show huge stranger and separation distress but resist comfort when reunited with her caregiver