aniaml studies (lorenz & harlow)

Cards (13)

  • Stages of development as identified by Schaffer
    Outline stages
  • One criticism of Schaffer's stages of attachment
  • Ethologists
    Researchers who study the behaviour of animals in their natural environments
  • Lorenz's procedure

    1. Randomly divided a clutch of goose eggs
    2. Half hatched with mother in natural habitat
    3. Half hatched in incubator where first moving object was Lorenz
  • Lorenz's key findings
  • Imprinting
    Phenomenon where bird species that are mobile from birth attach to and follow the first moving object they see
  • Critical period
    Brief period after hatching/birth when imprinting must occur, or attachment will not form
  • Imprinting
    Can influence later adult mating behaviour
  • Harlow's procedure
    1. Reared 16 baby monkeys with two wire model 'mothers'
    2. One dispensed milk, the other was cloth-covered
  • Harlow's key findings
  • Contact comfort
    Physical and emotional comfort an infant receives from being in physical contact with the mother or caregiver
  • Maternal deprivation in monkeys
    Severe consequences: monkeys were dysfunctional, more aggressive, less sociable, bred less often
  • Critical period
    90 days - after this time attachment was impossible and damage irreversible