Mental disorders

Cards (14)

  • a phobia is an anxiety disorder, and is an irrational fear of specific object or situation
  • about 2.6 per cent of the UK population have a clinical phobia
  • the main emotional characteristic of a phobia is excessive and unreasonable fear of a specific object or situation. this is accompanied by anxiety and panic, which the individual recognises is disproportionate to the actual danger response
  • fear produces the behavioural characteristic of avoiding the phobic stimulus. this interferes with the person's usual social and occupational functioning over an extended period of time. some people may also 'freeze' or faint in the presence of the phobic stimulus
  • a defining cognitive characteristic of phobias is irrational thinking about the phobic stimulus and resistance to rational argument about the actual danger it poses
  • depression is a mood disorder
  • the main emotional characteristic major depressive disorder is sadness and/or loss of interest and pleasure in activities a person is normally interested in and takes pleasure from
  • other negative emotional characteristics include feelings of despair, low self-esteem, lack of control and inwards or outward directed anger
  • behavioural characteristics of depression include difficulties in concentrating, decreased or increased activity patterns, excessive sleep or insomnia, and increased or decreased appetite
  • the main cognitive characteristic of depression are irrational negative thoughts about the self, the world in general and the future
  • OCD is an anxiety disorder. the components of OCD are recurrent, persistent and intrusive thoughts or impulse and repetitive behaviours
  • the thoughts or impulses are the main cognitive characteristic of OCD, and we are recognised by suffers as being excessive or unreasonable
  • because OCD sufferers believe they have no control over these thoughts or impulses, they experience embarrassment and share about their obsessions and compulsions
  • a person who is obsessed by a fear contaminated by germs may develop compulsive handwashing behaviour as a way of reducing anxiety. the repetitive behaviour is the main behaviour characteristic of OCD. it may be performed overtly or covertly. sometimes compulsive behaviour isn't a response to obsessional thoughts and people may compulsively avoid certain stimuli