What is the name of the repetition of the letter S and what does it represent in Exposure?
Sibilance and it reminds the soldiers of the wind and horribleconditions that they have to endure
”Is it that we are dying?”
What is the technique used by the repetition of “but nothing happens“
What is the technique used in the rhetorical question “is it that we are dying“
Whose frown and wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command
My name is ozymandias, king of kings!
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
I wander through each chartered street
Runs in blood down palace walls
Marks of weakness, marks of woe
the mind forged manacles I hear
Blasts the new born infants tear
Is it true that Blake presents London as the complete opposite of our impressions of London?
A hugeflag waved first one way then the other in a figure of eight
He must have wondered which had been the betterwaytodie ?
Her father embarked at sunrise
Cannon to the right of them
cannon to the left of them
cannonbehind them
Theirs not to makereply
theirs not to reasonwhy
theirs but to do and die
Noble six hundred
What is the technique used in the repetition of six hundred at the end of each stanza?
What is the technique used in the repetition of cannon to the right of them, cannon to the left of them, cannon behind them and which stanzas was this technique used in?
Anaphora and it was used in stanza 3 and 5
What links the poems exposure and kamikaze?
war and power of nature
What links the poems kamikaze and ozymandias?
power of nature
What links the poems exposure and charge of the light brigade?
(futility of) war
What links the poems ozymandias and charge of the light brigade?
What links the poems ozymandias and London?
control and leadership ( heirachy as well)
Which character represents the socialist party
the Inspector
Who represents capitalism and its faults
the birling family more specifically Mr Birling
Which party did priestly support
the play was written before it was set
what is the technique priestly uses in the quote unsinkable, absolutely unsinkable
Dramatic irony
I insist
when helping daisy renton
because your not the kind of father a chap could go to when he’s in trouble
I know I’m to blame
Which character is huburistic and what does this mean
MrBirling and huburistic is arrogance to the point of destruction