AO3 Psychodynamic

Cards (4)

  • Psychic Determinism = Freud suggested that all behaviour is the product of unconscious, internal conflicts over which we have no control. This means that every action, even ‘accidental’ slips of the tongue, has some kind of meaning and can give us insight into our unconscious. However, this adds to the subjectivity of interpretations of these meanings, and therefore is not in line with scientific methods of investigating behaviour.
  • What is the problem of using the idiographic approach?
    1)Limited generalisability, therefore findings lack ecological validity.
    2) Mainly qualitative data is collective, meaning that the researcher draws their own subjective conclusions
  • One strength of the psychodynamic approach is that it brought forward psychoanalysis, a new form of therapy.
  • Psychoanalytical therapies such as dream analysis, hypnosis, group analysis therapy and free association have been used to treat several disorders such as depression and anxiety disorders.