Applied Social Sciences draw heavily from the theories of the various social sciences to critically study society and the relationships among the people within
Applied Social Sciences equip students with the ability to develop practical and effective solutions to societal issues and concerns
Applied Social Sciences develop the students’ research skills and give them the opportunity to conduct studies on social realities
Applied Social Sciences tackle some of the most crucial and pressing social, economic, political, and ecological issues of our times
Social sciences
More specific and focused on a distinct facet of a social phenomenon
Applied social science
Attempts to focus on a distinct issue but uses insights arising from various social science disciplines
Functions of Applied Social Sciences
Level of emotional distress
Overt changes in the client’s actions, coping skills, decision-making skills, and interaction skills
Ways of thinking about oneself, others, and the world, or emotional concerns relating to these perceptions
Level of emotional distress
Uncomfortable feelings or reactions to environmental stress
Guidance and Counseling Act of 2004 is an important law of counseling in the Philippines
Social sciences are described as generators of knowledge about the social world to cause understanding
Applied social sciences transcend the level of social sciences but remain essentially providers of focus
Applied social sciences embrace the active mode when they migrate into the applied space
Main career tracks of Applied Social Sciences
Social Work
Draws heavily from the theories of psychology and the behavioral sciences
Social Work
A practice-based profession that seeks to improve the welfare of communities, individuals, families, and other groups in society
Includes face-to-face conversations and mass media such as television, radio, newspapers, the internet, social media, and electronic mail
The magnitude and prevalence of social problems have real and profound effects on people’s psychological conditions
Counseling as a profession evolved out of the need for institutionalized services to assist and help individuals who are going through distress situations in life
Professionals in the counseling industry
An interactive process characterized by a unique relationship between the counselor and counselee
Goals of Counseling
Development Goals
Preventive Goals
Enhancement Goals
Remedial Goals
Exploratory Goals
Reinforcement Goals
Cognitive Goals
Development Goals
Assist in meeting or advancing the client’s human growth and development including social, personal, emotional, cognitive, and physical wellness
Preventive Goals
Helps the client avoid some undesired outcome
Enhancement Goals
Enhance special skills and abilities
Remedial Goals
Assisting a client to overcome and treat an undesirable development
Exploratory Goals
Examining options, testing of skills, trying new and different activities
Reinforcement Goals
Helps the client in recognizing that what they are doing, thinking, and feeling is fine