Cards (77)

  • Trench Warfare - soldiers dug trenches to protect themselves from enemy fire
  • The war was fought on land, sea and air
  • Reasons that lead to the end of war?
    * Armistice - treaty to end war
    * US joined war - more soldiers, weapons and supplies
    * Central powers started to leave war
    * Germany was loosing - loss of life, money and support
  • 3 things that went wrong in the Gallipoli compaigne:

    * Landed in the wrong place
    * Turkey was aware they were coming
    * Breach was rocky
    * Terrain was hard to navigate
    * Turkish soldiers had high ground
    * Reverted back to trench
  • What is the significance of 'Lest We Forget'?
    * As time goes on it is importsnt we don't forget impoerant events that happened in history to ensure it doesn't happen again. Keep the legent alive
    * Appreciate that we still have soldiers and defence pronnel sacraficing and serving in current wars
  • What was the name of the 2 fronts of the War?
    Eastern Front and Western Front
  • Who faught against who in the Eastern Front?
    Russia against Germany and Austria- Hungary
  • Who faught agains't who in the Western Front?
    France, Britain and Belgium against Germany
  • Communications?
    * Developed appliances like phones and radios
    * Animals like dogs and pigeons were used
  • What were the pros and cons of communication?
    Pros: Allowed communication of instructions with different areas of the army to make quick decisions
    Cons: Radios were hard to carry and could be damaged by artillery
  • When and where was the treaty of Versailles signed?
    Singed at the 28th June 1919 in Hall of Mirrors in Versailles, France
  • Who was blamed for the war?
    Germany was blamed and had to pay dept
  • Describe attacking from the trenches?
    * Most attacks came at night
    * Soldiers were high alert looking for raiding parties
    * Raiding party, if detected, became easy targets
  • What was the result of trenches?

    As a result, neither side gaines much territory during the war (stalemate)
  • What is No-man's land?
    * Land that seperated the two trenches and allies.
    * Who ever got to the wall couldn't go back to safety
  • Describe the German treches?
    was a wasteland of craters, blackbones tree stumps and occasional shell of building
  • What is a trench?
    A long narrow ditch dug into the ground or built up with sand and bags. Trench walfare was how most of the war faught, especially in the Western Front
  • Why did Australia join the War?
    * Australia was part of the British Empire
    * Soldiers were excited to be soldiers; they did not know how bad war is. They wanted to be heroes
    * Australia wanted to rpove itself as a strong country
    * Wanted to be loyal to Btriatin
    * Money
    * Though war to be short
  • What is the schlieffen plan?
    * A German plan made almost 20 years ago
    * In case of war, this plan said that Germany would invade France quickly in 6 weeks through Belgium and then focus on war on Russia
  • Where was Gallipoli? Why did Britain want to take it? When?
    * Turkey
    * For Britain and France to be able to get supplies to their ally Russia by way of the Black Sea
    * 25th April 1915
  • How long did WW1 go for? When did it exactly start and finish?
    *1914 - 1918
    *28th June 1914 - 11th November 1918 11:00am
  • What was the most successful part of the Gallipoli campaign and why?
    * Withdrawal of troops no lives were lost during withdrawal.
  • What American ship was sunk by German U-boats? What are U- boats?
  • Who was assassinated at the start of the war, an event to be named the catalyst of war? Why? By who?
    Why did Britain want to take it?
    *Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand of Austria- Hungary
    *He was the heir of Austria- Hungary ruler. It controlled Bosnia, which Serbia wanted to take.
    *By the Black Hand, Gavrila Princip
  • What were conditions like in the trenches?
    * Cold, Wet, Muddy, Disease, Sleep standing up, Dirty, Dusty, Hot, Flies, Cramped.
  • What were the Two Alliances
    *Triple Entente - Russia, France, Britain
    *Triple Alliance - Germany, Italy, Austria - Hungary
  • What is a trench Warfare?

    *During WW1, trenches were cut through battlefield fronts in Europe to protect troops from deadly artillery and machine - gun life.
    * Firing trenches were backed by cover trenches, providing a second line of defense in case enemies over ran the firing trench.
    *Off - duty troops lived in dugouts in the support trenches
  • Fixed Trench Warfare?
    *WW1 was the first war that had trench warfare accepted as a method of fighting.
    *Were built up to protect defenders.
    *Built up from the ground using sand bags in wet areas.
    *The German trenches were better than other countries.
  • Tanks?
    *Introduced by British people
    *Very big and effectful
    Pros: Overcomes barbed wire and trenches
    Cons: Crews inside have to endure very hot weather and loud noises, might stop working and become hard to move.
  • Aircraft?
    *Zeppelins: Planes with weapons
    Pros: Could fly high and silently
    Cons: Poor aim, easily swooshed by the wind.
  • Important Dates
    *28th June 1914 - Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
    *25th April 1915 - Landing of ANZAC in Gallipoli
    *7th April 1917 - U.S joined War
    *11th November 1918 - 'Armistice' signed end of war
    *28th June 1919 - 'Versailles' signed
  • What is the significance of ANZAC Day?
    * It is the day that soldiers landed in Gallipoli and the first military action involving Australia and New Zealand soldiers
    * We remember soldiers who lost their lives for us though their bravery and courage.(ANZAC Values).
  • Gas
    * It was introduced by the Germans
    * 3 types - mustard, tear, and poisonous gas
    * It had devastating results
  • Why is it important we commemorate ANZAC and Remembrance Day?
    * To remember the soldiers who served or are currently serving our country
    * To remember those who lost their lives in war
    * To learn from our history
  • Why was WW1 considered to be the first modern war?
    * It was the first war where advanced machinery was used, there was chemical warfare, machine guns, new aircrafts and tanks were widley used
  • Ways the war impacted Australian Women:

    * Most jobs done by men had to be taken over by women
    * There was a generation of men lost to war
    * Lots of women joined the military to be nurses and help the injured men
    * Employment rates grew for women
  • M.A.I.N. and its relevance to war
    * Militarism - The building up of military forces (creating large armies).
    * Alliances - Countries creating a truce between themselves and agreeing to help and support each other.
    * Imperialism - The policy of a country expanding its empire and territory.
    * Nationalism - Having pride in one's country
  • What is Propaganda?

    * Information from the government to the public of a false or misleading nature.
    * Used to influence a group of people into a certain way of thinking or acting for a political agenda.
  • What is the purpose of trenches?
    * Trench Warfare allowed for more defensive strategies to be utilized throughout the war.
    * They were mostly used for more defensive plans rather that attack.
  • Guns and Artillery:
    * They were majorly improved in WW1
    * Facing a single machine gun was like 250 soldiers with rifles
    * Had devastating results
    * Strong and useful
    * Very heavy and hard to move