Pilot studies

    Cards (5)

    • A small scale investigation that takes Place before th real investigation is conducted.
      • a trial run
    • Aim of a pilot study
      • to ensure the materials and procedures run smoothly
      • allows the research design to be amended
      • researcher can identify issues that can be rectified before committing to the full length / expense of the real investigation.
    • Floor effect
      • pilot study can be useful to identify a ‘floor effect’
      • sometimes the task is too hard bc none of the pp’s (or a large proportion of pp’s) can’t score at all.
      • so performance is largely low - meaning it’s difficult to differentiate among the many individuals at that low level
      • this skews the distribution of scores
    • Ceiling effect
      • sometimes the task is too easy so many of the pp’s perform highly
      • this means it’s difficult to differentiate among the many pp’s scoring at that high level
      • this skews the distribution of scores
    • To avoid bias, pilot studies are usually carried out on individuals who are similar to the target population - but not those who will be part of the final sample.
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