Allergy: Dizziness, Wheezing or nasal congestion, Hives or itching, Abdominal Pain and diarrhea, Tingling, Swelling of the lips, tongue, and face
Asthma: Chest Discomfort, Wheezing, Coughing, Trouble Sleeping, Shortness of Breath
Cardiovascular Diseases: Lightheadedness, Fast Heart Rate, Difficulty Breathing, Irregular Heartbeat, Chest Pain, Extreme Fatigue
Cancer: Changes in bowel movement and urinates frequently, A constant sore that seems to not heal, Unusual patterns of breathing, Thickening or lumping of the different parts of the body like breast and testicles, Indigestion or difficulty swallowing food and drinks, Obvious changes in the appearance of a mole, wart, or a mouth sore, Nagging cough or changes of voice
Diabetes: Blurred Vision, Increased thirst and frequent bladder activity, Neuropathy or damage to the brain, Sores that heal slowly and frequent infection, Redness and swelling of the gums, Flu and other flu-like symptoms, Weight changes
Arthritis: Some experience fever and weight loss, Reduction of movements, Pain and stiffness
Renal Failure: Fluid retention that may bring swelling of the legs and ankles, Confusion, Fatigue, Shortness of breath, Decrease bladder activity, Nausea, Weakness