Birth and Newborn Care

Cards (17)

  • What is term gestation?
    37 weeks - 40 weeks estimated due date
  • When should you call the midwife
    Only if homebirth is planned and no immediate concers.
  • History taking in labour
    How many week gestation? How many previous pregnancies? How many babies expected? Known complications? Pre-exisiting medical conditions? Have the water broke, colour, smell, meconium, blood? When did contractions start? How often are contractions? Urge to push?
  • Stay on scene
    Contractions every 2 mins or less, urge to push, presenting part visible, tell you they need a poo.
  • Try and convey
    No signs of birth imminent, meconium or blood present, No progression after 10 mins, Pre term, Known complications
  • What to do if staying
    Close windowns and heating full blast, Make sure mother is comfertable, Entonox, NLS area, Warm towels.
  • Tears in vagina
    First degree - involves skin. Second degree tear - Perineal muscles. Third degree tear - partial anal sphincter. Fourth degree tear - COmplete anal ssphincter and bowel lining
  • What to do when baby is born
    Dry and stimulate baby for 60 seconds
  • Assessing a newborn
    Colour - well perfuused? Tone - Good tone? Floppy? Breathing - Strong cry? Rate of breathing? Regular/irregular? Aponeic? Heart rate - 100bpm.
  • How do we keep newborns warm?
    Dry thoroughly, wrape in warm towel, put a hat on, blizzard blanket, Wrape blizzard blanket with towel. Transwarmer mattresses, Heating on
  • Skin to skin
    IF enviroment is warm. Regulated HR and BReathing. Oxytocin to help release placenta, Keep baby warm, Bonding.
  • Why should we keep babys warm
    Baby is below 36.5 - mortallity rate increases by 28%
  • Cord care
    Wait until cord is white to cut.
  • Placenta birth
    20 minutes of no placenta - retained placenta and pre alert nearest maternity unit
  • Bleeding when giving birth
    250 -500 ml is normal.
  • When do we diagnose a PPH?
    500ml or more blood loss - hypovolemic shock. 24hours or 6 weeks excessive bleeding post birth.
  • Causes of PPH
    Tone - Lack of tone of uterus prevents the vascular placental interface from clossing off so contiues to bleed. Tissue - TIssue has been retained. Trauma - Tears caused by birth or other trama. Thrombin - knwon by pt.