Strange situation

    Cards (15)

    • what is the strange situation
      a controlled observation to test attachment security
    • what was the procedure of the strange situation
      it was a controlled observation in a lab with a two way mirror so psychologist can observe the behaviour
    • what is proximity seeking

      a baby with good attachment will stay close to their caregiver
    • what is stranger anxiety
      display of high stress when a stranger enters
    • what is separation anxiety
      display of high stress when they are separated from their caregiver
    • what is secure attachment
      • this is type B.
      • they explore happily but regularly go back to their caregivers for comfort.
      • they will show moderate separation and stranger anxiety
      • they accept comfort from the caregiver in the reunion stage.
    • what is insecure avoidant attachment
      • this is type A.
      • the babies explore freely but don't seek proximity from their caregivers.
      • they show little distress when the care giver leaves and little stranger anxiety.
      • they make little effort to make contact when the caregiver returns
    • what is insecure resistance attachment

      • this is type C.
      • the babies seek a lot of proximity and explore less.
      • they show high levels of stranger and separation anxiety.
      • resist comfort when the caregiver comes back.
    • what percentage of the population are securely attached
    • what percentage are insecure avoidant attached
    • what percentage are insecure resistant
    • good control of variables
      • due to this study being done in a lab
      • it eliminates the effect of confounding or extraneous variables.
      • good internal validity
    • good inter rater reliability

      • the strange situation had multiple observers observe the babies.
      • found agreement type for 94% of the babies attachment style.
      • this is a reliable experiment
    • culture bound
      • this study was only done on American mothers and babies.
      • not taking account collectivist cultures.
      • for example this would not work in Japan = show high levels of separation anxiety but in that culture it is normal
    • low ecological validity
      • due to it being done in a lab
      • it does not have good ecological validity.
      • it was not done in an everyday environment so the babies could have been more stressed than normal