sociology debates

Cards (13)

  • sociology is value free
    positivists - Comte:
    sociology should adopt methodology of natural sciences. use quantitative data. aim to be objective and detached.
  • sociology is value laden
    interpretivists - weber:
    it is impossible to detach yourself from your values. your values will influence the topic and method chosen.
  • sociology is value laden
    value commitment - becker and gouldner:
    the whole point of sociology is to change society to make it better. we should be committed to values.
    for example, feminists researching women.
  • sociology is value laden
    there is no such thing as an objective truth. value freedom does not exist.
  • sociology is value free
    practical strategies
    -scrutinizing the research in the way its been conducted
    -giving findings back to check accuracy
    -for example, colleagues checking your work.
  • sociology is a science
    positivists - Comte:
    -the way it is studied and scientific nature makes it a science.
    -cause and effect relationships.
  • sociology is a science
    -his theory regarding the development of capitalism is scientific since it can be tested on a certain level.
  • sociology is a science
    -we should look at social facts as things so we can objectively establish relationships
    -social facts are the values, beliefs and institutions that underpin society.
  • durkheim study of suicide rates
    -he found suicide rates were oppositely corresponding to level of social integration
    -low levels of social integration were more likely to commit suicide
    -he used statistical evidence
  • sociology is not a science
    interpretivists - weber:
    -human behaviour holds meaning and can’t solely be studied on scientific methods
    essential to interpret meaning attached to situations in order to understand society
  • sociology is not a science
    paradigms - kuhn:
    -paradigms are a set of beliefs or ideas.
    -they provide a framework for a better understanding of the world
    limits questions asked in scientific research
  • sociology is not a science
    falsification - popper:
    -for a truly scientific approach, the researcher should attempt to prove their hypothesis as untrue.
    -he argues positivists find evidence that only supports their hypothesis
  • all swans are white - popper
    -the hypothesis will only be correct if your only looking for white swans
    -you need to look for a black swan to test hypothesis