
    Cards (3)

    • Criticisms of Bowlby's theory include its lack of consideration for cultural differences and the fact that it only focuses on early childhood experiences.
    • Schaffer and Emerson (1964) provided evidence against Bowlby's claims about monotropy, finding that many children form multiple attachments
    • Bowlby (1944) - The 44 juvenile thieves

      1. Case studies were completed on the background of 44 adolescents who had been referred for stealing
      2. There was a control group of 44 "emotionally disturbed" adolescents who didn't steal
      3. 17 of the thieves had experienced frequent separations from their mother before the age of two, compared with 2 in the control group
      4. 14 of the thieves were diagnosed as "affectionless psychopaths" (they didn't care about how their actions affected others), 12 of these 14 had experienced separation from their mothers