All nationalspresent in, or temporarilyabsent from a country, and alienspermanentlysettled in a country
Population shows
The number of people that usually live in an area
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
Population Growth Rate
Annual changes in population from births, deaths and net migration during the year (how quickly increasing/decreasing)
Crude Birth Rate (CBR)
Ratio between the number of livebirths in a population during a givenyear and the totalmidyear population for the sameyear multiplied by 100
Crude Death Rate
Ratio between the number of deaths in a population during a given year and the total midyear population for the sameyear multiplied by 1000 to compare demographic trends
Net migration
Difference between in-migration and out-migration rates
Life expectancy at birth
Number of years a newborninfant would live if prevailingpatterns of mortality at the time of its birth to stay the same throughout its life
Population Density
Number of people perunitarea (e.g per square km)
Fertility Rate
Number of births per woman
Population Replacement Rate
Fertility rate needed to maintain a society'spopulationsize (2.1 children per women)
Mortality Rate Infant
Number of infantsdying before reaching one year of age, per 1000livebirths in a givenyear