a Lacocca Professor and Chair of Journalism and Communication, and Professor and Founding Director of Global Studies and the Globalization and Social Change Initiative at Lehigh University.
Jack Lule
He is the author of Globalization and Media: Global Village of Babel
Globalizationand Media: Global Village of Babel
The book argues that globalization could not have occurred without media.
Marshall McLuhan
He prophesied that media technology would transform the world into a "global village."
Dr. Lule
He argues, globalization and media are combining to create a divided world of gated communities and ghettos, borders and boundaries, suffering and surfeit, beauty and decay.
Lule describes media as
“a means of conveyingsomething, such as a channelofcommunication.” It also means the technologies of mass communication.
Printmedia – books, magazines, and newspapers
Broadcast media – radio, film, and television
Digital media – internet (e-mail, social media, internet-based video and audio) and mobile mass communication.
Marshall McLuhan
a seminal figure in media studies. Dying in 1980 he never saw the internet as
we know it today but his understanding of media provides a vital lens to
understanding the internet and its effect on career.
Marshall McLuhan
HE authored the book Understanding Media: Extensions of Man?
UnderstandingMedia: ExtensionsofMan
The book suggested that all media, all technologies are merely extensions of our bodies or our psyches.