common law assault is a summary offence, if guilty the defendant may receive a maximum punishment of up to six months imprisonment and, or a fine of up to £5,000.
common law assault occurs when D intentionally or recklessly causing the victim to apprehend (fear) immediate infliction of unlawful force (violence) contrary to S.39 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988
S.39 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988
Common law assault
1. First part of the legal test-did V fear unlawfulforce/violence?
R v Logdon
R v Ireland
Tuberville v Savage
Common law assault
Second part of the legal test-was the unlawful force/violence threatened immediate?
R v Smith v Chief Constable of Woking Police
R v Ireland silent phone calls satisfied immediacy due to verbal contact.
Common law assault
Third part of the legal test-was D the cause of V’s fear of force/violence?
R v Jordan
R v Smith
R v Cheshire
R v Malcherek
R v Roberts
R v Williams
R v Blaue
Common law assault
Fourth part of legal test-Did D have the mensrea for common law assault which is intention or recklessness to cause V to fear unlawfulfear of violence?
R v Savage
R v Mohan
R v Woolin
R v Cunningham
R v Mitchell
Make sure AR and MR occur at the same time; coincidence rule. AR and MR must occur at the same time-there are exceptions to the rule.
battery is Intention or recklessness to apply unlawful force contrary to S.39 of the Criminal justice Act 1988.
Common Law Battery
First part of the legal-Did D apply force? Force used can be direct or indirect.
Applies to acts NOT omissions
R v Thomas
R v Haystead
Common Law Battery
Part two of the legal test-Was the force used unlawful?
Collins v Wilcock
Common law battery
Third part of the legal test- was D the cause
R v Jordan
R v Smith
R v Cheshire
R v Malcherek
R v Roberts
R v Williams
R v Blaue
Common Law Battery
Final part of the legal test-did D intend to or was reckless in applying unlawful force? R v Venna.
R v Woolin
R v Cunningham
R v Mohan
R v Mitchell
Make sure AR and MR occur at the same time; coincidence rule.