S.39 CJA 1988

Cards (12)

  • common law assault is a summary offence, if guilty the defendant may receive a maximum punishment of up to six months imprisonment and, or a fine of up to £5,000.
  • common law assault occurs when D intentionally or recklessly causing the victim to apprehend (fear) immediate infliction of unlawful force (violence) contrary to S.39 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988
  • S.39 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988
  • Common law assault
    1.      First part of the legal test-did V fear unlawful force/violence?
    R v Logdon
    R v Ireland
    Tuberville v Savage
  • Common law assault 
    Second part of the legal test-was the unlawful force/violence threatened immediate?
    R v Smith v Chief Constable of Woking Police
    R v Ireland silent phone calls satisfied immediacy due to verbal contact.
  • Common law assault
    Third part of the legal test-was D the cause of V’s fear of force/violence?
    R v Jordan
    R v Smith
    R v Cheshire
    R v Malcherek
    R v Roberts
    R v Williams
    R v Blaue
  • Common law assault
    Fourth part of legal test-Did D have the mens rea for common law assault which is intention or recklessness to cause V to fear unlawful fear of violence?
    R v Savage
    R v Mohan
    R v Woolin
    R v Cunningham
    R v Mitchell
    Make sure AR and MR occur at the same time; coincidence rule. AR and MR must occur at the same time-there are exceptions to the rule.
  • battery is Intention or recklessness to apply unlawful force contrary to S.39 of the Criminal justice Act 1988. 
  • Common Law Battery
    First part of the legal-Did D apply force? Force used can be direct or indirect.
    Applies to acts NOT omissions
    R v Thomas
    R v Haystead
    DPP v K
  • Common Law Battery
    Part two of the legal test-Was the force used unlawful?
    Collins v Wilcock
  • Common law battery
    Third part of the legal test- was D the cause
    R v Jordan
    R v Smith
    R v Cheshire
    R v Malcherek
    R v Roberts
    R v Williams
    R v Blaue
  • Common Law Battery
    Final part of the legal test-did D intend to or was reckless in applying unlawful force? R v Venna.
    R v Woolin
    R v Cunningham
    R v Mohan
    R v Mitchell
    Make sure AR and MR occur at the same time; coincidence rule.