Everything whether it's living, non-living or even a cell itself is made up of lots of tiny particles which we call atoms
A single cell probably contains more than 100 trillion atoms
Atom structure
Central nucleus surrounded by electrons which orbit around the nucleus in rings that we call shells
Particles in the nucleus, have a positive charge
Particles in the nucleus, have no charge
Particles orbiting the nucleus, have a negative charge
Protons and neutrons have the same mass, with a relative mass of 1
Electrons have a mass 2000 times smaller than protons and neutrons
The size of an atom depends on which element it is, generally around 0.1 nanometers in radius
Most of an atom is empty space, like the solar system with a central nucleus and orbiting electrons
The nucleus is 10,000 times smaller than the width of the atom
The number of protons and electrons in an atom is equal, making the atom overall neutral
An atom that has lost or gained electrons, so the positive and negative charges no longer balance
One minus negative ion
Two minus negative ion
One plus positive ion
Periodic table
Each box represents a different type of atom, called an element
Elemental symbol
One or two letter symbol that represents an element
Atomic number
Number of protons in the atom, determines the element
Mass number
Total number of neutrons and protons in the atom
The number of protons and electrons in an atom is always the same
The first major theory that had tried to explain what stuff is made out of was atomic theory
Atomic theory
The idea that everything is made up from tiny little particles that can't be broken down any further and that they're separated from each other by empty space
Democritus proposed atomic theory
Around 500 BC
When atomic theory was improved upon
John Dalton's atomic model
Atoms as solid spheres, different types of spheres make up different elements