Types of attachment

Cards (9)

  • Ainsworth strange situation
    = a controlled observation to test attachment security. Babies are assessed on their response to playing in an unfamiliar room, being left alone, left with a stranger and being reunited with a caregiver.
  • Behaviours
    -proximity seeking= baby with good quality attachment will stay fairly close to a caregiver.
    -exploration and secure-base behaviour= good attachment enables a baby to feel confident to explore, using their caregiver as a secure base.
    -stranger anxiety= signs of becomes closely attached is a display of anxiety when a stranger approaches.
    -separation anxiety= another sign of becoming attached is to protest at separation from the caregiver.
    -response to reunion= babies that are securely attached greet the caregiver's return with pleasure and seek comfort.
  • secure attachment (type B)
    Babies are happy to explore but regularly go back to their caregiver.
    -show moderate separation distress and stranger anxiety.
    -accept comfort from the caregiver in the reunion stage.
  • insecure-avoidant attachment (type A)
    Explore freely but don't seek proximity or show secure-base behaviour.
    -show little reaction when their caregiver leaves and little stranger anxiety.
    -make little effort to make contact when the caregiver returns and may even avoid such contact.
  • insecure-resistant attachment
    These babies seek greater proximity than others and so explore less.
    -show high levels of stranger and separation distress but resist comfort when reunited with their caregiver.
  • Evaluation- good predictive validity
    It predicts a number of aspects of the baby's later development.
    • research has shown that babies assessed as type B tend to have better outcomes than others, both in childhood and adulthood.
    • in childhood this concludes better achievement in school and less involvement in bullying.
    • securely attached babies also tend to go on to have better mental health in adulthood.
    • those babies assessed as having insecure-resistant attachment and those not falling into types A,B,C tend to have the worst outcomes.
  • Evaluation- counterpoint
    Strange situation clearly measures something important that is associated with later development. However, not all psychologists believe this something is attachment. eg: suggested that genetically- influenced anxiety levels could account for variations in attachment behaviour in the strange situation and later development.
    • so strange situation may not actually measure attachment.
  • Evaluation- good reliability
    Good inter-rater reliability.
    • Bick tested inter-rater reliability for the strange situation for a team of trained observers and found agreement on attachment type in 94% of cases.
    • high level of reliability may be because the procedure takes place under controlled conditions and because behaviours involve large movements and are therefore easy to observe. eg: anxious babies cry and crawl away from strangers.
    • so we can be confident that attachment type as assessed by strange situation doesn't develop on subjective judgements.
  • Evaluation- the test may be culture-bound
    may not be a valid measure of attachment in different cultural contexts.
    • strange situation developed in Britain+ USA. May be culture bound.
    • babies have different experiences in different cultures and these experiences may affect their responses to the strange situation.
    • eg: in one Japanese study, babies displayed very high levels of separation anxiety and so a large number were classified as insecure-resistant, suggests that this anxiety response was due to the unusual nature of the experience in Japan where mother-baby separation is very rare.