Problem of evil

Cards (12)

  • The logical problem of evil 
    Inconsistent triad 
    • If god is omnipotent and omnibenevolent, how can evil exist 
    • God either isn't powerful enough to stop evil or doesn't want to 
    • God doesn't exist 
  • The problem of evil 
    • Uses the existence of evil in the world to argue that god doesn't exist 
    • Moral evil – committed by humans, e.g. murder 
    • Natural evil – suffering from natural processes, earthquake. 
  • Mackie's response 
    • He questions why can we have good without evil 
    • If we lived in a red world we wouldn't have a word for red, but everything would still be red we just wouldn't know 
  • Reply 2: the world is better with some evil than none at all 
    • First order goods – pleasure 
    • Second order good – courage  
    • Some evil is necessary for certain types of good 
    • Second order goods maximise first order goods 
    • Without first order evils second order goods couldn't exist 
  • Mackie's response 
    • Its logically possible to have a world with free will and no second order evils 
    • So why wouldn't an omnipotent and omniscient gid create this, second order evils aren't necessary 
  • Prob; free will defence 
    • Its logically possible that god would allow second order evils for a greater good. 
    • morally significant action- either morally good or morally bad 
    • significantly free – being able to do or not do morally significant actions 
    • A being created by God to only do morally good actions would not be significantly free 
    • the only way God could eliminate evil would be to eliminate significantly free beings 
    • a world that contains significantly free beings is more good than a world that does not contain significantly free beings 
  • The evidential problem of evil  
    • can allow that God’s existence is possible. 
    • the amount and distribution of evil in the world is good evidence that God doesn’t exist. 
    • e.g. innocent people throughout history killed for no good reason 
    • if God did exist, there would be less evil and it would be less to those undeserving of it. 
  • Prob; free will  
    • God could have made a world with less evil, but this would mean less free will. 
    • having free will creates more good than the evil it also creates. 
  • John hick soul making theodicy 
    • humans are unfinished beings.  
    • Soul making - our purpose in life is to develop personally, ethically and spiritually 
    • we couldn’t learn virtues such as forgiveness if people never treated us wrongly. 
    • virtues acquired through hard work and discipline 
  • why god allows animals to suffer 
    • God wanted to create epistemic distance between himself and humanity 
    • If God just proved he existed, we wouldn’t be free to develop a relationship with him. 
  • Why God allows such terrible evils 
    • it’s not possible for God to just get rid of terrible evil and leave only ordinary evil 
    • terrible evils are only terrible in contrast to ordinary evils 
    • If God kept getting rid of terrible evils then he would have to keep reducing free 
  • Why God allows such pointless evils 
    • if every time we saw someone suffering we knew it wasn't pointless then we would never be able to develop deep sympathy. 
    • without unfair and pointless evil, we would never be able to develop virtues such as hope and faith