Cards (3)

    • strength-lab studies
      • based on well controlled research(lab studies)
      • the measurement of observable behaviour with the control of evs and cvs allowed for cause and effect relationship to be established- also via the breakdown of complex behaviours into simple components(reductionist)
      • allowed for standardised procedures which can be replicated inorder to increase reliability
      • behaviourist approach has scientific credibility and meets one of 5 aims of science
    • strength- RWA
      • operant conditioning systems are used in the real world
      • for example, in some psychiatric hospitals, positive reinforcement is the basis of token economy, tokens exchanged for privaleges(positive stimuli) to continue positive behaviour
      • therefore increased quality of life, economy ect and shows approach has high ecological validity with widespread credibility
    • limitations
      • ethical concerns for the animals
      • for example they were treated poorly in harsh conditions/cramped- skinner
      • therefore a CBA needed to assess whether widened knowledge outweights ethical concerns. these studies would also not be able to be carried out on humans due to ethical concerns.
      • additionally animal findings are hard to extrapolate to humans due to different genetic makeup and cognitive systems
      • animal studies decrease DC's