daily mirror

Cards (47)

  • who owns the daily mirror
    reach plc
  • when was it established
  • who is it distributed by
    mgm limited
  • who regulates it
  • what is their political standpoint
    traditionally left wing
  • who is their target audience
    c2, d, e - lower socioeconomic demographic
  • what type of newspaper is it
  • what is the average daily circulation of feb 2022
    around 330,000
  • are sales increasing or decreasing
  • how has new technology effected the mirror
    mirror online (website)
    social media presence
    decrease in paper sales
  • what does the masthead do
    identify it as a tabloid because of the red top
  • what does the 'im not going' caption represent about bj
    his childish tantrum like response which is reinforced by use of colloquial language
  • what does the main image reinforce
    boris being smug and unashamed of his actions further emphasized by the zero shame headline
  • who is a binary opposition created between
    kier starmer and boris johnson
  • what on the front cover glorifies kier and ridicules boris
    formal language used for kier and colloquial for boris
  • what does the 'crushing' caption show
    evokes sympathy for kier as the situation is so bad its crushing and further ridicules boris
  • why is boris shown in this light on the front cover
    to align with target audiences political standpoint by siding with labour rep
  • what other binary opposition is created (cls)
    us vs them
  • how is the us v them opposition set up
    government has issued rules and exempt themselves from them
  • what is the mirrors slogan
    'the heart of britain'
  • how does the mirror assert itself as the voice of the british people
    use of collective pronouns to include themselves in the 'us'
    real life quotes/stories
    labour rep stand-first directly addressed to us
  • what does the skyline provide
    social context for the government mistake and what the article is going to be about
  • why has the term 'partygate' been selected for the headline
    to convey distrust in government as similar to watergate scandal
  • what does the putin joke convey
    that boris's actions are so bad that even putin doesn't want to be associated with him
  • what are the binary oppositions made on the article and what do they convey
    codes of clothing - nurses scrubs vs champagne flute and suits - reps nurses as heroic underdogs and boris as ignorant elite
  • is the mirror horizontally or vertically integrated and how is this beneficial
    it is horizontally integrated which means resources can be shared resulting in overhead costs being kept down
  • what is the issue with ipso regulating the newspapers
    it is funded by the newspapers so could result in:
    a struggle between keeping advertisers and attracting audiences with shock value
  • how can active audiences make regulation difficult (cs)
    active audience will respond to media content
    regulation in place is easily bypassable
  • how is kier starmer represented as a man of the people
    always pictured without a tie - informal?
    flatters us as an audience
  • where do we see a lexical juxtaposition
    'hannahs quiet dignity with his lying bombast'
  • how could stuart halls reception theory be applied here
    because there will be preferred negotiated and oppositional readings to the content depending on who is reading
  • how could blumer and katz uses and gratifications be applied here
    could be used for social integration due to the socially relevant topic
  • how could george gerbners cultivation theory be applied here
    it cultivates ideas about both kier and bj through repeated representations of them
  • how could david gauntletts pick and mix theory be applied here
    a variety of opinions to identify with
  • how could baudrillards theory of postmodernism be applied here
    breaks the conservatives simulacra they had created by separating themselves from the people and what was effecting us and the world at that time
  • how could henry jenkins theory of participatory culture be applied here
    features real life quotes/stories from audience
  • what significance does the papers name being 'the mirror' have
    suggests it mirrors the issues of our country to viewers
  • what does the slogan 'heart of britain' suggest
    that they act as a voice for ordinary people and are a central part of our society
  • what is a paradigmatic (typical) convention of a tabloid shown on the front cover
    the high image to text ratio
  • what part of the front page says 'gray report fallout'
    the strap line