Macro approaches focus on largescaleinteractions in societies, micro approaches focus on smallscale social interactions
What is meant by structuralism?
The approach that focuses on macro approaches and structures rather than individuals and believe that it is societal structures who shape the identity of individuals
Describe features of structuralism
They see societies as a set of structures in which people play fixed roles
They believe that individuals have little to no freedom in actions
They believe that invisible socialforces pull the strings that make individuals behave the way they do
What is meant by interpretivism?
A micro perspective that focuses on individuals rather than society and believe that individuals create their own identity through the interaction with others
Describe features of interpretivism
They believe that individuals are in control of their identity through the way they live through actions
Norms and values constantly change as society's ideas change
What is meant by social consensus?
The belief that people share basic agreements between values and no major disagreements exist in society
What is meant by social conflict?
The belief that major disagreements exist between people about important issues usually from significant differences between them
Why does the social conflict-consensus argument not apply to interpretivists?
Because they focus on microsocialinteractions
What is Functionalism?
It is a consensus approach that focuses on the functions that each institute of society carries out to maintain order
Durkheim noted that modern industrial societies are characterized by socialorder and people's behaviors are predictable due to members of society being united through collectiveconsciousness
It is compared to the organicanalogy; the idea that the institutes of society worktogether as one to keep society in order and if one part fails, everything fails just like the organs of the body
Talcott Parsons and Emile Durkheim are functionalists
Give an example of a functionalist viewpoint
Schools help students to develop the necessary skills required to survive and work, which helps the economy of society
What is Marxism?
A conflict approach that focuses on the view that society is divided into the infrastructure and superstructure.
The infrastructure compromises of the richbourgeoisie who dominate the mass means of production and constantly exploit the proletariat
The superstructure is made of social institutes like the family and media which reproduce bourgeoisie ideology and this in turn allows capitalist societies to exist with no objection from the proletariat
Karl Marx claimed that the existence of the superstructure has produced a working class that exists in a state of falseclassconsciousness. They‘re deliberately told lies by the rich elite who seem to support them but rather help the other upper class people which in turn leads to the proletariat contributing to their own exploitation
Give an example of a Marxist viewpoint
Schools ensure that some people fail and they believe it’s their own fault so they accept a low position in society
What is feminism?
A conflict approach that focuses on the view that society is patriarchal because men have all the wealth and power in society and women are deliberately kept inferior to men
It is a structuralist approach, just like Marxism and Functionalism