peer review

Cards (6)

  • Peer review
    1. Researcher submits paper to journal
    2. Journal sends paper to independent experts
    3. Experts review quality of design, methodology, data analysis, conclusions
    4. Experts recommend publication, suggest changes, or reject paper
    5. Journal editor makes final decision on publication
  • Purposes of peer review
    • Keeps scientists honest and work high quality
    • Improves credibility of science
    • Increases reputation of research institution
  • Peer review has criticisms
  • Criticisms of peer review
    • Small research communities make it difficult to find suitable experts
    • Potential for professional rivalry and settling old scores
    • Bias towards accepting work of scientific leaders
    • Anonymity issues with blinded review
    • Publication bias towards significant results
  • The file drawer problem - unpublished negative results
  • Peer review can be a slow process, problematic in fast-moving fields