
Cards (26)

  • Sociological problem
    This problem:
    - is any behaviour that calls for an explanation, it can include behaviour that the rest of society regards as a problem,

    - e.g. crime, but it can also include behaviour that is not normally regarded as a problem, e.g. why are some people law-abiding.
  • Social problem
    This problem:
    - is a piece of social behaviour that causes public concern and/or private misery and calls for collective action to solve it,

    - e.g. poverty, educational underachievement, juvenile delinquency, etc.
  • Factors which influence whether sociological research is used in policy making
    Factors include:
    - Electoral popularity (will people vote for it)
    - Ideological and policy preference of the government (right wing, left wing, etc)
    - Interest groups
    - Globalisation
    - Critical sociology (extreme sociologist such as marxist are too hostile)
    - Cost
    - Funding source (who is paying for it?)
  • Functionalist view of sociology and policy
    This view:
    - Society based on value CONCENSUS
    - Scientific research can discover both problems and the solutions to social problems.
    - the role of sociology is to provide the state with scientific evidence
    - e.g. DURKHEIM research led him to propose a meritocratic education system = a more cohesive society.
    - They take a piecemeal approach - tackle each issue ONE AT A TIME.
  • Criticism of functionalist view
    Criticisms of this view include:
    - CONCENSUS approaches ignore the ingrained structural inequality/CONFLICT within society.
    - Marxist criticise this 'piecemeal; approach instead you should look at the wider structures, e.g social inequality BEFORE tackling specific area.
  • New right view of sociology and policy
    This view:
    - Believe the state should have limited involvement in peoples lives. E.g. cut welfare
    - CHARLES MURRAY - dependency culture, perverse incentives, etc.
    - They want sociologists to come up with alternative policies to help restore social responsibility.
    - E.g. Social Justice Policy group (conservative think tank) - Marriage preparation, parenting classes, tax-relief and benefit for mothers who stay at home with their children.
  • Criticism of the New Right view
    Criticism of this view include:
    - Critics have questioned the data used in Murray's research.
    - Based on Conservative funded think tanks (e.g. biased) and not based on sociological research.
  • The social democratic perspective on sociology and social policy
    This view:
    - Sociology should research social policy and make recommendations
    - E.g Townsend researched Poverty and recommended that the government spent more on welfare and support the poor.
    - Black report (1980) inequality in areas based on class. 37 recommendations to reduce inequality, e.g. Free school meals, better working conditions, improved housing.
    - BUT change of government meant these policies were not implemented (a03)
  • Criticism of the social democratic view
    Criticism of view include:
    - Marxist criticise this view as they believe it doesnt go far enough.
    - Marxist see capitalism as the problem, e.g. the Black report recommendations not being implemented is evidence of how the capitalist state will never spend public money on improving working class conditions.
    - postmodernists criticise it - all sociological research is a version of the truth and this is NOT a satisfactory basis for policy.
  • Feminist view of sociology and social policy
    This view:
    - They see the state reproducing inequality through their policies
    - Policies are based on the nuclear family, making alternatives more difficult
    - They see their research as having a POSITIVE impact in education.
    - E.g. GIST and WISE and other equal opportunities policies
    - influenced the creation of women's refuges escaping domestic violence.
    - Also impacts the SEX DISCRIMINATION ACT and the EQUAL PAY ACT
  • Criticism of the feminist view
    Criticism of this view include:
    - radical feminist argue that the polices have NOT liberated women, patriarchy STILL exists.
    - The progress made by policy changes (E.g. Equal Pay) have not gone far enough.
  • Marxist view of sociology and social policy
    This view:
    - The state represents the ruling class and serves the interests of capitalism
    - Social policy LEGITIMISES class inequality.
    - E.g. Welfare state: masks capitalism by making it look like they care for the working class.
    - E.g. Maintains a labour force, NHS keeping them healthy to work
    - Black report not implement due to putting PROFITS before HUMANS
  • Critic of the marxist view
    criticism of this view include:
    - hostile view as it promotes class revolution.
    - impractical and unrealistic
    - There has been positive changes, e.g. the NHS people are healthier, living longer and have better lifestyles than ever before.
  • Durkheim
    This sociologist:
    - Main functionalist
  • Murray
    This sociologist:
    - Main New Right
  • Townsend
    Townsend This sociologist:
    - Main Social democrat
  • The Black Report
    Research conducted (1980)
    - Focused on inequality in areas based on class.
    - 37 recommendations to reduce inequality, e.g. Free school meals, better working conditions, improved housing.
  • Concensus
    This term:
    - agreement on norms and values
  • Capitalism
    This term:
    - a economy focused on the pursuit of profit
  • Perverse incentive
    This term:
    - welfare benefits are too attractive, discourages work efforts, and thus has the opposite results than originally intended
  • Patriarchy
    This term
    - literally means rule by father
  • GIST + WISE, Meritocratic education

    Examples of education policies (X2)
  • NHS and Pension
    Example of policies that benefit capitalism(X2)
  • Welfare and housing benefits
    Examples of policies that the New Right dislike (X2)
  • Equal Pay Act + Maternity benefits
    Examples of policies to use for feminists (A2)
  • Dependency culture
    This term:
    - Culture of individuals who rely on government welfare handouts rather than working for pay