The primary management function. Defining the organizations objectives or goals, establishing an overall strategy for achieving these goals and developing a comprehensive hierarchy of plans to integrate and coordinate activities
Formal planning
1. Defining specific goals covering a specific time period. 2. Writing down these goals and making them available. 3. Using these goals to develop specific plans that clearly define the path the organization will take.
Reasons for planning
Provide direction
Reduce uncertainty
Minimize waste and redundancy
Set performance standards
Facilitate coordination
Promote forward thinking
Criticisms of formal planning include: may create rigidity, can't replace intuition and creativity, focuses attention on today's success not tomorrow's survival, reinforces success which may lead to failure
Formal planning is associated with higher profits, higher return on assets, improved quality of planning, and appropriate implementation
Strategic management
What managers do to develop an organization's strategies
Plans for how the organization will do what it's in business to do, how it will compete successfully, and how it will attract its customers in order to achieve its goals
Strategic management examples
Toyota's strategic management
Founded in 1937 by Kiichiro Toyoda
GM, Ford, Chrysler accounted for 82% sales in 1955
Established first manufacturing plant in the US in 1974
NUMMI joint corporation with GM established in the US in 1984
Continuously improving functional level strategy, day to day operation
Becoming a cost leader in their category without compromising quality
Strategic management has a positive impact on organizational performance, prepares managers to cope with changing situations, and is important for complex and diverse organizations
Steps in the strategic management process
1. Identify the organization's current mission, goals, and strategies
2. External analysis
3. Internal analysis
4. Formulate strategies
5. Implement strategies
6. Evaluate results
Mission statement
A statement of an organization's purpose
Mission statement examples
Components of a mission statement
Concern for survival, growth, and profitability
Concern for public image
Concern for employees
External analysis
Analyzing the competition, components of the environment (economic, demographic, political, legal, socio-cultural, technological, global), identifying opportunities and threats