synaptic transmission

Cards (9)

  • what is a synapse?
    the gaps between neurones
  • what is the process of synaptic transmission?
    presynaptic neuron releases chemical neurotransmitter that diffuses across the synaptic gap to fit in the surface of the next postsynaptic cell
  • what does the process of synaptic transmission trigger?
    action potential in the next cell
  • what is action potential?

    the electrical impulse that travels along the membrane of a neuron
  • where does action potential start?
    at the synapse when the neurotransmitter enters a receptor on the membrane of a dendrite
  • what are excitatory neurotransmitters?
    neurotransmitters that depolarise the next cell
  • what are two examples of excitatory neurotransmitters?
  • what are inhibitory neurotransmitters?
    neurotransmitters that make the next cell less likely to depolarise (less likely to fire)
  • what is an example of inhibitory neurotransmitters?
