3. Pilot Study

Cards (4)

    1. Pilot Study
    • Small-scale trial, tests variables/conditions/methods.
    • Fix issues before real experiment.
    • Self-report methods (questionnaires/interviews); can test in advance; keep/remove.
    • Observational studies - training.
  • 2. Pilot Study - Control Groups/Conditions
    Control Groups/Conditions:
    • experimental group vs control.
    • comparison - conclude cause + effect was IV or not.
    • control group = IGD + RMD.
  • 3. Pilot Study - Single Blind Procedure
    Single-Blind Procedure:
    • participants not told aim or which conditions in.
    • controls cofounding effects of demand c.
    • can lead to experimenter bias.
  • 4. Pilot Study - Double Blind Procedure
    Double-Blind Procedure:
    • researchers + participants not told aim.
    • normally 3rd party involved, don’t know main investigation.
    • drug trials - 3rd party doesn’t know real or placebo.
    • no bias or demand c.