Cards (6)

  • Brain scan evidence - Peterson et al used brain scans to show Wernicke's area was active when listening and Broca's area active when reading.
  • Tulving et al revealed that semantic and episodic memories reside in different parts of the prefrontal cortex.
  • Lashley - higher functioning isn't localised but distributed holistically: removed 10-50% of rats cortex learning a maze and found no area was more important. This suggests learning is too complex to be localised and required the involvement of the whole brain.
  • A further argument against localisation of function is the notion of plasticity: the brain can adapt and other areas can take over lost function. This suggests a more holistic view should be taken eg stroke survivors regaining speech.
  • Case study evidence: Phineas Gage explosion that hurled a pole through his left cheek and most of the left frontal lobe. He survived but the damage had left a mark on his personality: rude and short tempered, suggesting that the frontal lobe may be responsible for regulating mood.
  • HM - suffered from epilepsy so had part of his temporal lobes removed which resulted in him being unable to form new long term memories (anterograde amnesia) suggesting the hippocampus is responsible for transferring STM to LTM.