[Irradiation] is the Process of which Objects are EXPOSED to Radiation
This could be ANY TYPE of Radiation:
A) Ionising
B) X Rays
C) Ultraviolet
D) Microwave
[Contamination] occurs when Radioactive Particles GETONTO other Objects
The Radioactive Particles that get onto you, are likely to DECAY, and Excessively IRRADIATE you
A) -
[Risk of Radiation]
When Radiation enters your body, it will COLLIDE with Molecules in your Cells, causing IONISATION
This Ionisation damages and destroys the Molecules in the Cells
Lower Doses cause MINOR Damage, without killing the Cell
This causes MUTATIONS in Cells, which Divide UNCONTROLLABLY, leading to Cancer
HIGHER Doses tend to KILL CELLS Completely, causing Radiation Sickness
A) mutated
B) cancer
C) dead
[Disposing of Radioactive WASTE]
'Low Level' Waste, (from Nuclear Power Stations + Hospitals), can be disposed of by BURYING it in Secure Landfill Sites
---> HIGH LEVEL Waste stays radioactive for THOUSANDS of Years, so it has to be Sealed into GLASS BLOCKS, which are then sealed into Metal Canisters. Then, these are buried deep UNDERGROUND
A) -
[Radiotherapy] can be used to TREAT CANCER in Two ways:
EXternally - External sources, emit GAMMA Rays, which are targeted at the Cancer Cells from lots of different ANGLES. Only the Cancer Site gets the LARGEST doses
INternally - Doctors place the Radioactive source INSIDE the body, (inside the Cancer itself, or next to it)
--> This Method uses BETA Radiation, which is more Damaging than Gamma Rays, but CAN'T pass FAR through the Body
A) -
Radiation be be used for [Medical Tracers]
If we inject BETA or GAMMA Radiation into the Patient's body, we can track the MOVEMENT of these Isotopes through the body, by tracking the Radiation they EMIT
So, we can check if Organs are working properly, By seeing if they Absorb the right AMOUNT of the substance
--> We need to use Isotopes with AS SHORT a Half Life as possible, so they only Emit Radiation for a short period, and stop being HARMFUL
A) Thyroid
B) Gamma
Food + Equipment can be [Sterilised] using GAMMA Rays
Food and Medical Equipment can be IRRADIATED with a High Dose of Gamma Rays, to kill Microbes (on food)
Irradiation with Gamma Rays is a VERY GOOD method of sterilisation, because unlike Boiling, Irradiation doesn't involve High Temperatures, making it safe for Fresh Fruit or Plastic to be sterilised
This source needs to be a VERY STRONG Emitter of Gamma Rays, with a LONG HALFLIFE, so it doesn't need replacing too often.